FL: Halifax Health launches visitor ID system

… The process will take less than a minute and the system will screen visitors to see if they are on the sexual offender list, said David Hall, director of education and volunteer services.

“We don’t want to build a wall and moat around the hospital,” Hall said. “We want to decrease our potential risk.”

Sex offenders will be denied access. Sex offenders and those without a photo ID could be granted an exception to visit dying relatives, Hall said. Full Article

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“Sex offenders will be denied access. Sex offenders and those without a photo ID could be granted an exception to visit dying relatives, Hall said”

“The changes came after a January 2014 incident in which armed 20-year-old Jonathan Rodriguez-Jeff blasted his way into Halifax Health Medical Center in Daytona Beach about 4 a.m., wandered around for more than 15 minutes and then shot and killed himself in front of a nurse and her patient.”

Was Mr. Rodriguez-Jess a registered citizen? What does an armed suicidal man have to do with anyone on the registry? So if you’re a parent and your kid is admitted you can’t visit them unless they’re dying?!?

What’s in the Florida water supply that causes them to continually escalate the violations of registered citizens’ constitutional rights!!!

I wondered when this would happen. Schools in the Midwest have these systems in place.

It was just a matter of time before hospitals, malls and offices do the same.

Surely they can’t deny a SO healthcare or the ability to visit a sick relative – even a child?!?!

If this continues, you might eventually be prohibited from visiting amusement parks, stay at certain hotels, sit on a plane, movie theaters, Chuckee Cheese, play golf or even drive at night? Look at what OC already tried to do? This issue must be addressed!

Yep, another benefit of Price Club membership.

For those that don’t already know, this is already in place in California for most (if not all) childrens hospitals. I tried to visit my Nephew last year and was denied access. Oh and Disneyland (speaking of amusement parks) already denies access to registered citizens.

In Illinois you already can’t go to Chuck E Cheese or Mcdonalds with a play place. Or a Toysrus. Or the Target toy section. Or the zoo. Beach. Park. Etc. Schools.

And there are criminal penalties for doing so.

Mike said “What’s in the Florida water supply that causes them to continually escalate the violations of registered citizens’ constitutional rights!!!”

It is claimed to be safe, but for 10 years, Florida has had a toilet-to-tap water system.

I’m a little curious. Does the computer scan the Megan’s website? I noticed that Lego land requires s thumb print? What if your not on the web site?

Hello, Californiarsol.org. I am part of FAC and am tasked with trying to keep up with the many changes and tougher restrictions that Florida’s lawmakers and apparently, just any old institution would like to impose on our S.O.s who have done their time and are trying to re-integrate into society. I have two questions: first, is this even legal for a Health Institution to just up and decide that someone on the Registry is not allowed to visit? What about treating that person as a patient? Secondly, in California, is there any challenge in the courts as to whether or not the status of the patient as an Offender is a violation of Right to Privacy?

I ask this because I lost my husband this past May, and this was never brought up, either by the Hospital, nor Hospice. No one cared. He was a good man, and his health was the only concern of his Health teams. We certainly didn’t hide the information, but no one asked us about it, either. What say the Courts of California, regarding this issue. Here in Florida, we appear to be heading down a very dangerous road indeed. Thank you.

“FAC has already sent a letter to Halifax Health and encourages anyone else to contact them at customerservice@halifax.org . See more here: http://floridaactioncommittee.org/sex-offenders-banned-from-florida-hospital/”

It looks like unlawful discrimination. This is a job for the lawyers.

I’m thinking Insurance Companies are behind it. The theme parks and hospital managers have been advised by their Insurance carriers that they could be sued or lose their liability insurance for knowingly allowing sex offenders to work there, where there is a vulnerable population, so they further cut “risks” by banishing registered visitors they can knowingly detect. Educate Insurance Commissioners.

Hey insurance carriers… Maybe advise your business clients they could be sued for knowingly allowing the greater ‘risk’ percentage and statistics that over…that’s >9 out 10 times an alleged ‘sex’ crime is committed by someone else that is NOT on a state listing….
Put that in your policy of ‘risk’ and sit on it.